Tuesday, November 18, 2014

3D Printing - I can't wait

I was recently watching a TED talk about the current and potential future uses of 3D printing (link), and it got me excited about the possibilities.  This particular TED talk featured Avi Reichental, who brought an interesting perspective on the topic.  He posited that 3D printing will bring us closer to the type of manufacturing that we had before the industrial revolution, when everything is hand made.  Because products can be created at industrial speeds and customized on the fly, the "Assembly Line" look need not exist.

3D printing is the process of using computer modeling software (like CAD) and presenting the 3D model to physical machine called a 3D printer.  This device uses a robot arm, to lay down material (usually plastic) that follows the dimensions of the software model.  This allows anyone with computer modelling abilities to create any kind of 3D object they want or need.  Right now there are still limitations, chief among them being cost, but the technology is improving at break neck speeds.
First 3D Printed Cookie Cutters, then 3D Printed Cookies! Source: http://www.brit.co/we-tried-it-3d-printed-cookie-cutters/

I can't wait for the day where I press a button and any delicious food i could want is at my fingertips.  Of course, there are all kinds of more pressing and practical uses (medical, dental, military), but I'll be damned if instant food isn't the thing I'm most excited about.

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