Sunday, September 7, 2014

Why I Chose MATC

I'm very much an autodidact (self-taught), but that's not enough for me.  I need the formal education to fill in the knowledge gaps inherent in teaching yourself, plus a degree never hurts when it comes to furthering your career.  My job is developing software and managing the VMWare infrastructure for a small company called 1st Basis in Brookfield, WI.  It's a fantastic job that I hope to augment with what I learn at MATC.

There were several options for me when it came to furthering my education, but I ended up choosing MATC.  Milwaukee Area Technical College was the best choice for me because it's a well-respected college, with many of it's students going right into the technical field after graduating. It was put on my radar because of a recommendation from my former boss,  Dave Beiswenger.

I'm excited for the opportunity to learn here, and I expect a lot from the classes I take here.